Full-Service Plumbing & Heating Repair in Anchorage, Alaska
The technicians at Fox Plumbing and Heating possess a great number of skills and are capable of completing any plumbing task put in front of them. “Full Service” is our way of letting our customers know that there is no problem we can’t solve. There are many different aspects of plumbing, each requiring different knowledge, skills, abilities, and equipment. We are sharpening those skills and abilities with each and every job. Whether we are in a Residential, Commercial, or Industrial environment, we are never out of our element.
Plumbing & Heating Repair in Anchorage

- Drains/Drain Cleaning
- Interior Waste Line Install, Repair and Sewer Tie-in
- Cleanout Installations
- Water Lines
- Gas Lines
- Faucets
- Cracked Pipes
- Showers/Tubs
- Water Heaters
- Appliance Hook-ups
- Toilets Plumbing & Controls
- Sump Pumps
- Emergency Heater Repair
- Backflow Testing & Repair
- And more, just ask!